A Certification Testimonial From an American Supply Chain Management Professional
Two times in my career I was hired because I was certified, and the other final candidate was not. In both instances, I learned about a year after getting the job that the other finalists and I had similar backgrounds, educations, abilities, and experiences. But the other guys had not given anything back to their profession, and had not given anything back to themselves. They didn¡¯t belong to professional societies, they hadn¡¯t shared their knowledge with other practitioners, and they hadn¡¯t furthered their own educations. In the first of these interview situations, the hiring manager didn¡¯t know what a Certified Individual was. When I explained the body of knowledge it represented, the interview was essentially over - I had an offer the next day. In the second instance, the hiring manager not only knew what certification was, he had listed it as a ¡°preferred¡± qualification in the job description. That credential, and my current active membership in a professional society, gave me an advantage that carried through the entire interview process, up to the offer I accepted..