ACI News

Alliance Formed
ACI has recently formed alliance with Scholar Ministry of Personnel to promote ACI training and certification programs around China .

BHU become the exclusive agent of ACI
Bohai University has become the exclusive agent of ACI to conduct CMPEB program around China .



How much is a bachelor's degree worth? About $23,000 a year, the government said in a report just released.

That is the average gap in earnings between adults with bachelor's degrees and those with high school diplomas, according to data from the Census Bureau.

College graduates made an average of $51,554 in 2004, the most recent figures available, compared with $28,645 for adults with a high school diploma. High school dropouts earned an average of $19,169 and those with advanced college degrees made an average of $78,093.

ACI and IPSCMI can help you obtain an MBA in Management (CALUMS). Check out the information on these MBA programs on this webpage and/or email us with your questions.



From July to August, 2004, a summer campus for children of 12-18 years old will be held in Beijing . Students will learn Chinese language and tour around in Beijing ; besides, Kongfu, Chinese Culture and Chinese cooking seminar will be going on in August.

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